It depends, do I have my current absolute wealth or will I get my current relative wealth, or will I get just a random (or average) livelihood for the era. Also, where will I be located, in my home country, the US or again, ‘the average’ which would be a 3rd world country in Asia or Africa.
JP Morgan, the richest man on earth at the turn of the century was worth just $80M. Ben Franklin, the richest person in his day was worth $350k. If you have an average family home and pay it off, you are going to be wealthier than Benjamin Franklin, many business people today are wealthier than JP Morgan.
People looking for the 70s, the kids in minivans were the wealthy ones, the ones driving around in minivans and protesting, they had wealthy parents that kept them in college, supplied with money and out of jail, the average kid of the time they were drafted had been working full-time in a factory or farm for several years.
People complain about food insecurity if a family has to eat hot dogs more than once a week or live more than 5 miles from a grocery store (literally the definition of ‘hunger’ in the US) or relying on a food bank. In the socialist utopia I grew up in, food insecurity meant having no food from any source, not from the government, not from the store or a food bank, and I’m not that old (at least that’s what I keep telling myself). I would’ve killed for a computer and a phone line, now pocket computers (cell phones) are a basic social service, given away with the welfare check. We were told about places where hunger is worse, Ethiopia and other places had pictures of thousands of children literally starving to death, skin over bones, few people in Africa starve in that way, Africa is now on the forefront of mobile and crypto payments (your average African mother has used Bitcoin on her phone at least once daily). And that’s just 30-40 years of improvements to the ‘average’ life.
Yes, I would love to time travel briefly with my current tools, knowledge and wealth, to many places, but going back in time to re-live any of it, probably not, even emperors died from minor wounds.